Sunday, March 6, 2011

My pot smoking neighbor

The other day I went on a mommy website and posed a question - it pretty much goes like this:
We have been living in our home for 6 years. I have 2 small boys. There are 2 other children living across the street. We have been lucky enough to become friendly with most of our surrounding neighbors. We really like them all. EXCEPT, as much as we like our next door neighbors, their 20-something son that still lives at home smokes pot in the backyard. THis has been going on for years - we have our windows open and then when the stench hits, I have to close up my house and turn on all the fans so the stink will dispense. This is not 24/7, but, when the nice weather hits, it is atleast once a week that the wind blows right into my house! We even smell it at the busstop across the street some mornings!!
SO, I have had it. Personally, I want to walk next door and let the guy know how much it affects me and my family. I don't want to be mean about it, just ask if there is some way we can work something out. My husband on the other hand thinks we have no right to say anything to him as he is in his yard minding his own business. Now, before you go any farther with the "pot is illegal, call the cops" - I know that. THe fact of the matter is, we like our neighbors. i know pot is illegal. We don't want trouble. I teach piano to children here all week though and I don't need to have these issues.
I want opinions and comments. '

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You could always make a big pot of really stinky curry and leave it out back... But seriously, it is illegal, so you're being more polite than you have to be if you ask them to do something about it. Maybe they're not taking you seriously- if so you may either have to deal with it, or call the cops so they know you mean business... either that or just stink them out with curry or durian or some other stinky food.

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